The Correct Swallow: Proper Swallowing for Mewing

Instructional diagram illustrating the correct swallowing technique during mewing, showing tongue positioning and movement stages.
Embarking on a journey to enhance facial structure through mewing, one often overlooks a key component: the act of swallowing. This essential function, when aligned with the principles of mewing, can significantly amplify the technique's efficacy.
Proper swallowing not only supports mewing but also contributes to overall oral health and improved facial aesthetics.
This article explores the correct swallow techniques, including the Mew Push Swallow, to optimize your mewing practice.
Correct and incorrect tongue posture for effective swallowing during mewing.

The Importance of the Correct Swallow in Mewing

Swallowing is a complex process involving coordinated muscle movements to transfer food and saliva from the mouth to the stomach.

Proper swallowing mechanics are crucial in mewing as they ensure that the tongue maintains optimal pressure on the palate, promoting effective facial remodeling and alignment.


How to Properly Swallow When Mewing

Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Swallowing During Mewing

Sequence of tongue movements for proper swallowing technique in mewing.

1.) Tongue Positioning:

  • Secure the tongue against the palate, ensuring the tip is lightly contacting just behind the upper front teeth.
  • This step is the cornerstone for the efficacy of mewing and influences swallowing mechanics.


2.) Saliva Management:

  • Collect saliva with your tongue, guiding it towards the back of the mouth.
  • This approach mirrors the body's instinctual swallowing reflex, augmented by the correct mewing posture.


3.) The Swallowing Motion:

  • Swallow the saliva, keeping the tongue firmly against the palate without any downward movement or pressure against the front teeth.
  • It is critical to maintain this pressure uniformly across the palate during the entire swallowing action.


The Mew Push Swallow: Enhancing Mewing Efficacy

What is the Mew Push Swallow?

The Mew Push Swallow is a technique designed to reinforce the principles of mewing by incorporating a deliberate push of the tongue against the palate during swallowing. This method helps ensure that the tongue exerts consistent pressure on the maxilla, potentially accelerating facial structural changes.


How to Perform the Mew Push Swallow:

Step-by-step guide on performing the Mew Push Swallow technique.

1.) Initial Position:

  • Start with your tongue positioned flat against the roof of your mouth, as you would in soft mewing.
  • Ensure the tip of your tongue is lightly touching the area just behind your upper front teeth.

2.) Saliva Collection:

  • Allow saliva to pool at the back of your mouth, preparing for the swallow.

3.) Executing the Push:

  • As you swallow, consciously push your tongue upwards against the palate, ensuring even pressure throughout the tongue.
  • Maintain this pressure throughout the entire swallowing motion, preventing any downward or forward force against the teeth.


Key Considerations for Mastering Swallowing in Mewing

Consistency in Practice

Integrate this specialized swallowing technique into your routine to make it a natural component of your mewing practice. Regular application of this method is vital for it to become second nature.

Saliva Production Control

Acknowledge that mewing may induce increased saliva flow. Adjust the frequency of swallowing or discreetly expel surplus saliva as required. Balancing saliva management is essential for maintaining uninterrupted mewing sessions.

Adapting for Comfort

If any discomfort arises, customize the technique to fit your unique oral structure and comfort level. Personal adjustments to the swallowing process are necessary for long-term adherence to mewing.


Swallowing Exercises: Refining Your Technique

Improving swallowing efficiency is critical not only for mewing but also for preventing oral health issues. The following exercises are designed to strengthen swallowing muscles and refine technique:

Focused Saliva Swallowing Drill:


  • With your tongue placed against the roof of the mouth, practice swallowing saliva.
  • Perform this drill for several minutes daily, ensuring your lips stay sealed, and your jaw is aligned with the lower teeth sitting just behind the upper teeth.
  • Maintain an upright posture with your head erect to support proper neck alignment during the exercise.


Tongue Strengthening Exercise:


  • Press the tip of your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth.
  • Hold this position for several seconds, then relax. Repeat this exercise multiple times daily to build tongue strength and improve swallowing efficiency.


Benefits of Mastering the Correct Swallow When Mewing

Before and after images showing improved facial structure from proper swallowing technique during mewing.

Enhanced Facial Aesthetics

By perfecting the correct swallow, you can enhance the effectiveness of mewing, leading to improved facial symmetry and definition. Proper swallowing mechanics support the upward and forward movement of the midface, contributing to a more attractive appearance.

Improved Oral Health

Correct swallowing techniques help prevent common oral health issues such as misalignment, tooth pressure, and tongue strain. By maintaining proper tongue posture, you can promote better dental health and overall oral hygiene.



Mastering the swallowing aspect of mewing requires attention to detail and disciplined practice. By following the comprehensive steps laid out in this guide and engaging in the recommended exercises, you can elevate your mewing practice.

Embracing consistency, remaining mindful of bodily cues, and being open to adaptations will support your journey towards improved facial aesthetics and better oral health. Remember, the integration of these swallowing techniques into your mewing routine is a pivotal factor in achieving desired outcomes.

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