How Does Mewing Change The Shape Of The Nose ?

Side-by-side comparison of a man's face showing potential changes in nose shape from mewing, highlighting differences in facial structure before and after consistent practice.

In the quest for facial enhancement and aesthetic optimization, techniques like mewing have surged in popularity within the looksmaxing community.

This non-invasive practice, championed by orthodontist Dr. John Mew, suggests that proper tongue posture can not only improve jawline definition but also subtly influence the shape of your nose.

But what is the truth behind these claims, and how does mewing fit into the broader goal of maximizing one's appearance?


Understanding Mewing and Its Impact on Facial Structure

Mewing is based on the principle of maintaining a correct tongue posture against the roof of the mouth, promoting optimal jaw and facial development.


Astrosky's Before and after mewing transformation showing the effects of mewing on facial structure and in the nose.


Advocates of mewing believe that consistent practice can lead to significant changes in facial structure, including the widening of cheekbones and the forward movement of the maxilla.

This shift in the facial skeleton is said to have a domino effect on other facial features, notably the nose.


Does Mewing Make Your Nose Smaller?

The answer is yes; but it is a little difficult to understand.

The mechanics of mewing involve a subtle yet impactful repositioning of the facial bones.


Four-year mewing transformation showcasing significant facial changes and a reduction in the size of the nose.

A 4 year Mewing transformation


By encouraging the upper jaw to expand and move forward, mewing potentially alters the base and overall appearance of the nose.

A forward-moving maxilla can lift and support the nasal structure, potentially making the nose appear more refined, smaller, and narrower. This is particularly intriguing for individuals exploring non-surgical methods to enhance their facial harmony and proportions.

Mewing widens the face; which in turn makes the nose look narrower. It is more of an illusion.


Mewing and nose shape?

Incorporating the concept of mewing's impact on the nose's straightness into our discussion adds a fascinating dimension to its potential benefits.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that some individuals have observed a straighter or more upturned nose as a result of consistent mewing practice.


Side-by-side images showing how mewing can lift the maxilla and reduce nasal droopiness.


This observation aligns with the theoretical underpinnings of mewing, as the technique aims to promote the upward and forward movement of the maxilla.

Since the base of the nose is situated on the maxilla, positive changes in the maxilla's position could naturally lead to a straighter nose profile and a reduction in vertical length, enhancing facial harmony and symmetry.


Mewing and Looksmaxing: A Holistic Approach


Diagram illustrating the correct suction spots for effective mewing.


Within the looksmaxing community, mewing is often discussed as a holistic approach to facial enhancement. 

By addressing the foundational structure of the face, mewing offers a unique angle on aesthetic enhancement, focusing on the long-term health and positioning of the jaw and related facial features.

Mewing May be one of the only natural ways to change ones facial structure and nose.


Setting Realistic Expectations

While the transformative potential of mewing is compelling, it’s crucial to approach it with realistic expectations.


Before and after photos highlighting the impact of mewing on jawline definition.


Changes from mewing are gradual and require consistent practice over months or even years.

The extent of visible change can also vary significantly from person to person, depending on their starting facial structure, age, and dedication to correct tongue posture.



As the looksmaxing community continues to explore and document the effects of mewing, this practice emerges as a fascinating, non-invasive option for those aiming to refine their facial aesthetics, including the shape and size of their nose.

While not a panacea, mewing's holistic approach to facial health and aesthetics offers a promising avenue for individuals looking to enhance their appearance naturally.

However, success with mewing, as with any looksmaxing strategy, requires patience, consistency, and a realistic outlook on the potential for change.

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