10 Reasons Why you Aren't seeing Mewing Results

10 Reasons WComparison diagram illustrating ten common mewing mistakes, showing incorrect and correct tongue positions in profile views, highlighting optimal mewing practices to improve facial structure.hy you Aren't Seeing Mewing Results !

Top 10 Mewing Mistakes That Could Be Hindering Your Progress

Have you been Mewing For a while and haven't seen any results yet ?
Don't Worry, it's quite common.
Here are the 10 most common reason to a lack of results from mewing.
10 reasons your are not seeing any Mewing results.


Achieving mewing results as an adult requires unwavering commitment. The process of changing bone structure is arduous, and consistent, around-the-clock effort is essential. Dr. Mew, a prominent figure in the mewing community, has emphasized that continuous mewing can lead to remarkable results even in adulthood.
However, many beginners struggle with consistency. They often forget to practice mewing daily, which hinders progress. To tackle this issue, setting alarms as reminders, strategically placing notes, or even mewing during sleep are effective strategies.

2.) Neglecting the Back Third of the Tongue

Proper mewing places the back of the tongue as the primary focus. This practice exerts pressure on the soft palate, preventing the face from becoming vertically longer. Unfortunately, many people incorrectly engage the front of their tongue, resulting in an unsightly lump.
Engaging the posterior third of the tongue can be challenging, and it requires developing the nerve connections in that area. Some individuals may experience airway restriction, which necessitates finding a balance between breathing and mewing or considering surgical options.

3.) Tongue Pushing the Teeth:

A common mistake among mewing beginners is pushing the tongue against the teeth while swallowing, potentially causing dental issues.
The proper technique involves positioning the tongue slightly behind the incisive papilla, with the majority resting on the back roof of the mouth.
The tongue's strength should not be underestimated; when used improperly, it can exert significant pressure, leading to forwardly positioned, unattractive teeth.
proper mewing placement

4.) Incorrect Swallow

Correct swallowing patterns are easily rectifiable, yet many people overlook them.
Inefficient swallowing involves drawing food into the throat using the cheeks rather than using the tongue to create a ball and slide the food down the throat.
The more the tongue participates in the swallowing process, the better. Buccinator muscle usage should be avoided, as this muscle can hinder effective mewing.

Mewing: The Incorrect Swallow and How to Fix it.

5.)Poor Head and Neck Posture

Mewers who are new to the practice often exhibit forward-leaning head posture, primarily due to stiff neck muscles. Prolonged use of smartphones and similar devices can lead to neck muscle contractions that disrupt proper head and neck alignment.
To address this issue, adopting the McKenzie chin tuck exercise can help release neck muscle tension and make it easier to maintain the back third of the tongue on the upper palate.

6.) Neglecting Hyoid Muscles   

The hyoid muscles play a crucial role in ensuring that your tongue touches the roof of your mouth effectively.

If the back of the tongue cannot reach the palate, flexing the hyoid muscles under the chin can assist in achieving the desired positioning.

This can be compared to the opposite of a yawn, contracting the neck muscles around the hyoid bone to facilitate upward movement.



7.)Nasal Breathing

Successful mewing requires breathing through the nose consistently. This is best achieved by maintaining a lip seal.

Mewing: The Importance of proper Lip Seal

Some individuals may struggle with lip incompetence, preventing them from keeping their lips closed, which can impede proper mewing. A helpful tip for these individuals is to use mouth tape at night to ensure nasal breathing.

8.) Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can significantly hinder mewing progress. Central to mewing is ensuring that the teeth maintain light contact with each other. Grinding one's teeth can lead to dental damage and misalignments.

9.) Lack of Teeth Contact

On the opposite end of the spectrum from teeth grinding, some individuals allow their lower jaw to hang without touching the teeth.

Optimal facial structure is achieved when molars lightly touch, providing midface support, preventing sagging, and enhancing jaw structure. It is important to strike a balance, avoiding excessive force on the teeth.

10.) Underutilizing the Tongue

Effective mewing involves ensuring that the tongue is evenly spread across the roof of the mouth, touching the molars and the back end of the front teeth.

Avoid pushing the tongue forward excessively, as it can lead to excessive forward growth.

Depending on your mewing style, whether soft or hard, you should maintain a proper tongue position and occasionally use a suction hold. The latter is especially useful to ensure your entire tongue is engaged.



In addition to these ten reasons, several other factors can influence the success of mewing, including age, growth hormone and testosterone levels, chewing patterns, craniofacial dystrophy, and overall expectations.

Understanding these complexities can help individuals manage their expectations and develop a more comprehensive strategy for improving facial aesthetics through mewing.

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