How to do Tongue Chewing ? Comprehensive Mewing Guide.

 Illustration showing correct and incorrect techniques for tongue chewing, highlighting proper tongue placement for effective mewing practice.

Master Tongue Chewing: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhance Your Mewing Practice


Tongue chewing is an auxiliary exercise in the mewing regimen, aimed at strengthening the tongue muscles to enhance the efficacy of mewing.

This guide will walk you through the process of tongue chewing, explaining its benefits and how to integrate it with your mewing practice effectively.

  How to do tongue chewing ? Comprehensive Mewing Guide.


What is Tongue Chewing?

Tongue chewing involves using the tongue to chew a soft, malleable substance.

How to do tongue chewing ? Comprehensive Mewing Guide.

Unlike regular chewing that engages jaw muscles, tongue chewing focuses on using the tongue to manipulate and 'chew' the material, providing a workout that strengthens the tongue.


Benefits of Tongue Chewing

  1. Strengthens the Tongue: Consistent tongue chewing exercises the tongue muscles, making them stronger and more capable of maintaining proper mewing posture.
  2. Supports Mewing: A stronger tongue can apply more effective pressure against the palate, which is crucial for successful mewing.
  3. Enhances Facial Aesthetics: By complementing mewing, tongue chewing can contribute to the overall improvement in facial structure and alignment.  
How to do tongue chewing ? Comprehensive Mewing Guide.

How to Perform Tongue Chewing

  1. Select the Material: Use a soft, chewable material like mastic gum or wax. Ensure it's safe for oral use and doesn't pose a choking hazard.
  2. Positioning: Place the material on your tongue, avoiding using your teeth to chew.
  3. Chewing Action: Use your tongue to press and move the material around your mouth. Try to engage different parts of the tongue to ensure a comprehensive workout.
  4. Duration: Start with a few minutes of tongue chewing daily, gradually increasing the duration as your endurance builds.


Integrating Tongue Chewing with Mewing

Incorporate tongue chewing into your daily mewing routine to maximize benefits.

After each tongue chewing session, ensure you return to the correct mewing posture, with the entire tongue pressed against the palate, emphasizing the posterior third's engagement.


Monitoring Progress and Adjustments

Just like mewing, progress with tongue chewing is gradual. Pay attention to improvements in your tongue's strength and endurance, and adjust the intensity and duration of your exercises accordingly.


Advanced Tips

  1. Variety in Movement: Experiment with different movements and pressures to engage various tongue areas.
  2. Consistency: Regular practice is key to seeing results. Incorporate tongue chewing into your daily routine for the best outcomes.
  3. Mindful Mewing: Always be conscious of returning to proper mewing posture after tongue chewing to reinforce muscle memory.


Addressing a Receded Chin with Mewing and Tongue Chewing

How to do tongue chewing ? Comprehensive Mewing Guide.

While mewing and tongue chewing primarily target the maxilla, consistent practice can influence mandibular positioning over time, potentially addressing concerns like a receded chin.

The forward growth of the maxilla encourages a more favorable mandibular position, contributing to a more balanced profile.



Tongue chewing is a valuable addition to the mewing practice, offering a method to strengthen the tongue and enhance the effectiveness of mewing.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can integrate tongue chewing into your routine, supporting your journey toward improved facial aesthetics and structure.

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