Can Mewing Fix an Underbite? Mewing with an Underbite

An underbite, a common dental condition where the lower jaw protrudes beyond the upper jaw, can affect one's facial aesthetics and function.

What Causes an Underbite?
Underbites are often attributed to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
A deficiency in the maxilla, or the upper jaw, is a primary cause, where the jaw does not develop fully or is positioned too far back relative to the lower jaw.
This discrepancy leads to the lower jaw and teeth jutting out beyond the upper teeth, creating the underbite appearance.
How Does Mewing Work?
The premise of mewing rests on the principle that consistent and correct tongue posture can influence the shape and growth direction of the jaw.
By engaging the posterior third of the tongue and expanding the maxilla, mewing aims to realign the jaw, potentially mitigating the effects of an underbite.
This horizontal expansion of the maxilla, could lead to the mandible (lower jaw) aligning itself correctly with respect to the newly positioned upper jaw, promoting a more balanced facial structure.
The Role of Mewing
Mewing involves correct tongue posture, where the tongue is placed against the roof of the mouth, encouraging proper jaw alignment and facial structure.
Over time, proponents argue, this technique can help widen the upper jaw and move it forward, addressing the maxillary deficiency often at the heart of underbites.
The Potential of Mewing
While mewing is no magic cure and results vary from person to person, it introduces a non-surgical approach to influence the facial structure subtly.

By promoting proper oral posture and potentially widening the upper jaw, mewing could offer a complementary approach to traditional underbite treatments.
However, it is crucial to approach mewing with realistic expectations and understand that severe cases may still require orthodontic or surgical interventions.
Make sure to checkout our Mewing Appliance, to help you fix you bite.
Take Away:
Mewing presents an intriguing avenue for those exploring options to address an underbite, emphasizing the importance of jaw positioning and tongue posture in facial aesthetics.
As with any orthodontic concern, consultation with a professional is advisable to determine the most effective treatment plan.
Mewing, with its focus on natural growth and alignment, offers a holistic approach that warrants further exploration for those affected by underbite conditions.